v8 Fusion Review
v8 Fusion was released a while ago now, but recently I decided to pick some of this stuff up thinking okay this stuff is good for me and if it tastes anything like v8 splash then I should like it. Well it doesn’t even come close. It adds a full serving of fruit and vegetables in each 8oz. glass. Honestly, If you can choke a 2oz. glass down I’ll give ya props. I can’t remember for sure which kind I tried, but it really doesn’t matter cuz I’m not trying another one.
I thought v8 Splash was good, but supposedly not as good for you as they advertised. With only 10% juice and high fructose corn syrup, they felt the need to try and step up their game with the new release of v8 Fusion. I really don’t care if it has a million percent of your daily value of fruits and vegetables if its inedible it does no good for you.
Someone made a good point about v8 fusion. It tastes exactly how your garbage smells. I can’t speak for all the flavors but I’ll bet money that the other ones aren’t much better. v8 has completely failed with the new fusion fruit/vegetable drink. Its not cheap either, it costs around $3.50 to $4.00 a bottle. I wouldn’t waste my money on this, and I recommend you don’t either, unless you like liquids that come back up after you drink ‘em.
It should have a disclaimer on it saying: WARNING: Not for people with strong gag reflexes!
All I can say is yuck to v8 Fusion (What were they thinking?)
Like I said before it isn’t like I went out sampling all the flavors. (Sorry, I just didn’t have the stomach to do so.) If you however, managed to find a decent tasting v8 Fusion flavor, feel free to post a comment.
If you are a brave soul and want to try some for yourself. (Not Recommended)
*Update 5/5/15*
So It’s been a few years since I wrote this review. I haven’t tried any v8 Fusion juice in forever… I know they’ve came out with quite a few new flavors over the years, so I just wanted to add that this review is intended for the “original” v8 Fusion juice, not the new stuff.
Maybe it’s just as gross as the original… I just have yet to try it. 🙂 Try it out and let me know in the comments below.